Saturday, June 27, 2009


I've had 3 shoots in the last 2 days and have so many fun pictures to share, but for now...I had to share just one for Jessie & one for Anne....

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she's lucky I left her house without sneaking little Gracie in my bag! She was PERFECT! many more of her to come!

anne fam
and these three beauties...we had SO much fun:)

Monday, June 22, 2009


I literally watched Tayler grow up... she was my little dancer girl and pretty much like my little sister. She is so beautiful and I think these photos really capture her! Congrats on graduating:) xoxo

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HERE I AM...:) I have been so behind on both of my blogs but have lots of fun stuff to post. Here is Campbell and I seriously loved shooting him! I LOVE working with seniors...

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